Best Tube/SS Amps for Harbeth 7ES-3

Hi, I just bought a pair of Harbeth Compact 7ES-3 - beautiful sounded speakers. Very natural and musical.

Now I need to get an integrated or Pre/Power combo to drive it. Budget is about $3-4K new or used. I read the 7ES-3 is easy to drive. Which amp works better with the 7ES - Tube or SS?

What amps do you use for your Harbeth 7ES? How much power output do I need to drive the 7ES to its full potential?

Would a 20 watt per channel tube amp drive the Harbeth?

Now that I've settled on the speakers, I can focus on getting the amps :)


Showing 2 responses by biscorbit


So what amp did you go with?   I just purchased the same speakers. Now it's amp hunting time for me.   I've been eyeing mc152 and rogue medusa as amps go.  The hypex technology definitely has me intrigued.  Anyone have any experience with either of these?   
So far I'm loving my new C7's.  I gotta say even with my 20 year old amp b & K 7250 and preamp ref 30 they sound excellent.  I've been playing so much music it's crazy.  Overall I still want upgrade my amp and pre though.  A friend of mine is gonna bring down his mc2125 amp this weekend. Just to get the Mac sound vibe in my place. I might also audition the Cary integrated or rogue sphinx too.  I love to try the Rossi, but the way I'd want the lio will definitely cost more than I intend to spend.