Best Tube Integrated Amp around $1000

There are a lot of integrated tube amp out there. Which is the best one for around $1000? Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
Unless I am seriously missing something, the Audio Refinement and Musical Fidelity amps mentioned are solid state amps. The Jolida JD302B retails for $950 and is virtually a poor man's Conrad Johnson CAV-50. The factory Chinese tubes leave something to be desired, but you can re-tube for a reasonable cost when you are ready to take the next step up. Output tubes are readily available EL 34's, four altogether just like the CJ, for 50 watts per channel. Okay it will never be a CJ but it is still quite musical.
I have a jolida 302a and would have to agree that the current version (302b) is likely to be unmatched in this category. Upgrade to Tesla E34L tubes and the magic begins!
consider a used audion sterling -- should be about that price... and it is an awsome SET -- about 20 watts so have the right speakers. Consider the Anthem Integrated I (not II). Power is an issue in bl\oth cases.
I have a Jolida 502 in my bedroom system That I got used. I retubed it and like it a lot. I've owned high end ARC and CJ currently with the new Melos.