Best Tube Amp under 10K?

Having every audio dealer in town recommend their line as "the best unless you want to spend $25K" and buy a ..." is frustrating. Well, like most of us, I can't spend $25K on amps ... but I am curious to know what others consider their "final" amp upgrade under $10K. My listening tastes are wide ranging but will mostly include SACD jazz and classical. I do not have a turntable ... yet. And I ususally play at low to moderate volumes only (the wife factor)-- speakers are reasonably efficient 91DB KEF Ref 4's that I hope to upgrade.

Showing 1 response by jtimothya

I have no idea what is the best. There is a point where the choice becomes a matter of personal preferences and priorities. The THOR TPA-30 Mk II monos are definitely worth a listen. Nicely balanced, they do everything well with no glaring flaws and have a drop dead gorgeous tonality. Made me stop thinking about equipment. If you're considering a 'final' amp, these come with a lifetime warranty.