Best tube amp and setup for me?

Hi, Newbie here. Looking for advice on a great tube amp to pair with Klipsch quartet speakers  I’m planning to buy. I was really considering buying the willsenton R8 based on reviews. Still kinda skeptical on the China Hi Fi stuff. I’ve also heard Rogue is good and more local for me. I’m not trying to spend a fortune but don’t want to cheap out.

I will throw out there I love to stream audio off phone and computer. My current setup is a Sony STR DN1050 receiver with Klipsch Rp8000f and Rp600M for my surround sound. I listen to more music than anything (All types). My receiver has a zone 2 that allows for audio jacks to another external amplifier. It also has built in DAC.  I would like to keep everything in same room whether or not I have separate hookups. I don’t even know if I can hookup tubes through the zone 2 or if it’s recommended. I’m just new when it comes to tubes.

Any advice and recommendations would be greatly appreciated for what I’m looking to do. 
Thanks in advance.
At 97.5 Spl a Atma-Sphere S-30 and an Atma-Sphere UV-1 would be an awesome setup for those. 
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I appreciate the responses so far. I will definitely check out the recommendations given . I just need some guidance and don’t want to be steered the wrong direction. Definitely looking forward to new beginnings when it comes to this tube amp stuff. Please chime in if you have a recommendation. I’m again a newbie. Thanks all!
I have the quartets, i use the with a Grommes PHI-26 a 2/6 watt EL84 int amp, loud live sound
I have also used it with my 4 watt Decware Mini Torii again great sound and lots of sound,

tubes will make the Quartets sing,  I also heard them with some Quicksilver amps and again wonderful sound