Best TT for the buck?

Hello everyone, This is my first post on the website as i have just become a member. I am fairly new to hifi audio and want to get a turntable. I want the audio quality to be very good, considering my price range that is and i am not opposed at all to going the used route and may even prefer it. My budget will be no more that 600 and trying to keep that to 500. All opinions are appreciated!
Thanks for any advice or help in advance. Ive already lost several hours on the website. its very addictive

Showing 6 responses by pmburnett

Glad to see you are enjoying it. Sounds like you had the same reaction as me. I expected decent sound, but I was not prepared for how good my tt actually sounded.
For a first tt, I have been extremely pleased with my Pro-ject Debut III. The gloss black version is $359 at NeedleDoctor at the moment. You can probably get them to discount it and the rest of your order another 10%. Upgrade the stylus (not the cartridge) and get a SpeedBox and you should be pretty happy. I upgraded the cartridge to a mc; if you do this, you will also need to get the acrylic platter. If I had it to do over, I would just upgrade the stylus on the pre-installed cart.

The big plus here is the easy setup, the ability to return it if you don't like it, and a warranty. Setup takes about 5 minutes, and the tt sounds pretty good :)

Otherwise, you might want to check around for a killer deal on a Rega P2.

I would go with the Pro-ject Debut III. You should be able to get it delivered for around $350 from NeedleDoctor. No worries; just take it out of the box, take out 2 transport screws, put on the belt, put on the counterweight and adjust, attach the anti-skate weight, put on the platter and mat, and finally put on a record and enjoy.

It's really that easy. It takes less than 5 minutes.

I haven't had an issue, but if you wish to avoid the Pro-Ject deck, you can look to a recommendation from someone with a little different experience.

In any case, my preference on a tight budget is to avoid used. Others may have different opinions, but I prefer to have a warranty and the ability to return if I can't afford to duplicate the purchase. I bought my Debut III because I wasn't sure I would like vinyl. Had I known, I would have waited and bought something a lot better. I'm actually enjoying the tt, and don't really feel like I am missing out until I decide what tt/arm/cart combo I will end up with in the $5K range.

It sounds like you are bent on used gear, which is fine, but I wouldn't want to buy used gear unless it is in perfect working order and is from a reputable seller here on the 'Gon.

Looks like there is a Moth in your price range:

SOTA Moonbeam II is also pretty close to your budget. Happy listening.

I was wondering if anyone else was getting the Flight of the Concords reference. Love this thread because each time I read it, I hear the little bit about "my rhymes are bottomless...." and the associated irony of the pregnant pause in my head.

Hipho, sounds like you made a good decision. I think you will enjoy it very much. I know that I am in the same boat, and my eyes are really being opened up to the virtues of vinyl. I have no dealer in my area to assist with tt setup, but the guys at Needledoctor were very helpful in making sure that I ended up with a plug and play setup (and with a cartridge that was a good match.


One other tidbit that might be helpful: I bought a 16"*16"*2.75" cutting board (Mountainwoods brand) and attached 3 small pyramid isolation pads from Radioshack. It looks great, ands works well as an isolation platform for my tt-- all for around $25.