Best travel destinations for audiophiles

Now we know what cars to drive, watches and jeans to wear, steaks to eat, wine, Scotch and cognac to drink.
Where would you go for couple of weeks on a moderate budget?
My first choice would be Andalucia, Southern Spain. Great flamenco music, sea, architecture.
The second choice could be Buenos Ayres, Argentina. Multicultural, again great and diverse music, sort of New York or Toronto of South America.
And the third choice might be nothern Chile with its unique nature or/and Greek islands in Aegean sea.

Showing 2 responses by dan_ed

I would say Trebejo needs a guide to the culture that is uniquely American, or needs to pull his swollen head out of his proverbial arse. ;-) Perhaps start in New Orleans, then move up the Big Muddy to Memphis. From there the tour could go either on up to St. Louis and Kansas City, or turn east through Nashville and on to Atlanta. Some might want to venture north to Chicago, but my take is that those guys are all southern transplants anyway.

Nothing from America was ever regarded as culturally significant. Yeah, right.