Best Transport for under a $1000

I am looking for your opinions on the best CD transport for under $1000. I would prefer a AES/EBU connection. I will also be upgrading my DAC in the near future. Here is my associated equipment:

Thiel 2.4
Levinson 27.5
Levinson 38S
MSB Link III DAC with upsampling (soon to be upgraded)
Transparent interconnect/speaker/power cabling.


Showing 1 response by vectorman67

If you're lucky, you can get a Theta Jade for right around this price ($1000-$1200). The Jade was Theta's last flagship, audio-only transport. They don't come around too often. Excellent transport. All their new stuff is Audio and Video.

Also check out EAD. Product is top notch in every category- build, craftmanship, sound. Their T1000 mkIII can be had for $400 or so. A great deal. But they have other higher end models, as well, to suit your needs. All are excellent.