Best Transport for $300 or less (new/use

Currently using an Adcom GCD 575 with an Adcom GDA 700. NAD C340 Int. Amp and PSB 500i's......I want to get rid of the 575 and get a better transport....any suggestions?
Read my posting that I submitted ; question: "Good entry level transport". This find is almost too hard to believe to be true...but it is!
Spend a bit more ($450.00 to $500.00 range) and find a used California Audio Labs Delta transport. Absolutely a best buy !!
For your system, I recommend you find a used Sony DVD S-7000 for your transport. It is the predessor to the flagship S-7700, and was a few years back, arguably one of the best transports regardless of price! check an older, but very interesting review on the planet hi-fi website. It's a no-brainer. regards, Mike.
I am having good luck using a Pioneer 525 DVD player into the Bel Canto DAC 1. The folks at Bel Canto say that the more expensive DVD's have more features, but no better signal transfer. Good Luck!