Best Towers Under $4,000 / pair

I am in the market for a new set of towers. Currently I am running some older Celestions and it is time to upgrade. My amp/pre-amp are Mcintosh Solid State (MX119 & MC252).

50% of my listening will be old rock & country LPs
20% CDs and/or digital sources
30% Home Theater

I will by new or slightly used and would like to stay under $4000, most preferably under $2500.

I am considering, but haven't yet auditioned.

PSB Synchrony 2
Paradigm Signature S6
Paradigm Studio 100
Gallo Reference 3.1
B&W 700 series (New)
B&W 800 Series (Used)
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand or Beethoven Baby Grand
Von Schweikert VR-2 (Used)

I am new to the forum here and I understand that my ears will ultimately make the decision, but I would like to hear any helpful comments or recommendations.

Thanks for your help
I haven't read the responses here but you should take a very serious look at GR Research speakers as well as AV123. Tons of "bang for the buck" performance at either of those two vendors. Best of luck to you in your search!

I'm also looking for speakers upgrade and I've been listening to a lot of things lately. Dealers are really nice around here and let us take the equipment home to try.
I have a Naim NAP150x/122x, a Rega Apollo, and a Rega P3. On my opinion (and it's purely matter of taste), the PSB Synchrony One were the best, not the best in a specific field, but the best overall. They could play anything equally good, with not listening fatigue and were so coherent from top to bottom. Plus an amazing bass response.

I had Maggie’s MG1.6 that where too bright with NAIM, I had Vandersteens 2ce Sig MKII, that where beautiful in the midrange and the highs, but the bass was really slow and totally undefined.
I didn't get to listen to the PSB two but I heard great things about it.
It's always a difficult choice.

Given the Macs, HT use, and the fact that you like the Celestion sound, consider something dynamic, like what I use --Revel Performa F30, a true full range 3 way tower that does it all, has audiophile refinement but rocks too. --used about $1500-1800. The best speaker I ever heard with country. I haven't heard the new Revels. The Legacy Classic and Paradigm 100 are also good choices. Vandys, vienna dont rock in my opinion, nor do planars of any kind, nor really most audiophile brands, unless you just like string quartets. I wouldn't get a B&W smaller than the 802, which is pricey used. PSB might work too. Good luck, you will know what you need when you hear it.