Best Towers Under $4,000 / pair

I am in the market for a new set of towers. Currently I am running some older Celestions and it is time to upgrade. My amp/pre-amp are Mcintosh Solid State (MX119 & MC252).

50% of my listening will be old rock & country LPs
20% CDs and/or digital sources
30% Home Theater

I will by new or slightly used and would like to stay under $4000, most preferably under $2500.

I am considering, but haven't yet auditioned.

PSB Synchrony 2
Paradigm Signature S6
Paradigm Studio 100
Gallo Reference 3.1
B&W 700 series (New)
B&W 800 Series (Used)
Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand or Beethoven Baby Grand
Von Schweikert VR-2 (Used)

I am new to the forum here and I understand that my ears will ultimately make the decision, but I would like to hear any helpful comments or recommendations.

Thanks for your help
I would include dunlavy sc3,4,or 5's
these are excellent speakers and do show up on the used market

I would add the Usher CP 6381 MK II. The Usher has a big open sound stage, well defined punchy bass, and a smooth lush midrange and treble.

Before I became an audio dealer, I owned the WP 5.1 and the Usher CP 6381 actually outperformed the WP. Yes the WP was more transparent and had even better dynamics, but the Usher had a more layered sound stage and was more musical.
Man, I read a lot of audiophile magazines and I haven't even heard of most of these. Thanks for all the feedback. I will start researching these.

Regarding the totem speakers. I have heard LOTS of great things about the Hawks and they look great, but can you really get big sound out of one 5 1/2 inch woofer.
Well if your starting a new search you should look at the Revel Performa line.