Best tidings to Gonners old and new.

I date here since 2002 but due mostly to a long string of chronic health issues, it's been a good while since I've been audio active. Still and area always, my first love is vinyl.
I'm once again on two good feet and am actually engaged to be married at age 60. Downsizing to make room for Deborah and selling a few things off. 
I've listed a Helius and an AT arm. Feel free to consider. K&K phono stage, some cartridges, a couple Lencos, and various and sundry items to come.

Best to all!!!

Showing 1 response by carmenc

I certainly remember your username and have read some of your posts.  I’ve been on and off here since about the same time.

Congrats on your engagement, and really happy to hear you’re doing much better health wise.  It seems as though 2018 is going to be a great year for you.

Continued health and take care!!!