Best things 'in life'

I thought this would be interesting, I just came across a thread that asks to list the best things of your own hometown and the opening post listed the best things that came from Philidelphia.
Well this is a little different. Since audiophiles tend to be more analytical and observant than non-audiophiles I thought alot can be learned from each other if we list the things we have come to appreciate in our life.
I will start with a few things that I happen to appreciate greatly!
Beer: (what better place to start)
...... Belgian is the country to choose for beer with charecter and layers of flavors and hints of fruit and herbs or cheese. But the very best of the best of the best as in not only in the best beer of the world but more like as in all food is: duchese de Bourgogne, just amazing!!!
Food, the best dish ever: Fish Taco, in New Canaan Connection at Rosie's. Everything they make is awesome!
Champagne: Vueve Clicquot, prior to this one I never ever liked champagne, but this one I love, not expensive only $40 +-
Cheese: La tur, great with grapes,alot of flavors in there
Best picture with Peter Sellers: After The Fox

Thanks for contributing in advance!

Showing 2 responses by almarg

1) Health.
2) Wife.
3) Financial independence.
4) Unpressured free time.
5) Running.
6) Having house & grounds in good shape.
7) The Internet.
8) Music/audio system.
9) Building a computer and having it work the first time it is turned on.
10) "Casablanca"; Charlie Chaplin's "City Lights"; any film by Eric Rohmer; most films by Woody Allen.
11) 1982 Chateau Pichon Lalande; 1978 Chateau Palmer (both better, by a slight margin, than any of several Lafite, Mouton, and Margaux I have tasted).
12) Finding a desirable antique radio in good shape.
13) A world series title by the New York Yankees.

-- Al
That's a really excellent list, ByeGolly! I might have included "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg" on my very brief list, if I had thought of it at the time.

Luis Bunuel is probably worthy of mention as well. If you've never seen it, check out "Nazarin" when you get a chance -- one of his lesser known works, but in my opinion his best.

-- Al