Best Tchaikovsky’s 6th Symphony Recording

What is the best sounding (including performance) recording of Tchaikovsky’s 6th symphony? Right now my favorite is the Berliner Philharmoniker conducted by Kirill Petrenko. 

Showing 2 responses by edgewear

The Mravinsky with Leningrad Philharmonic on DGG 1960 is unsurpassed as a performance, no question about it. But the recording quality is somewhat crude.
The Giulini with the Philharmonia Orchestra on UK columbia is from the same period, but with much better sound and also a magnificent performance. A more 'modern' recording (around 1980, still analog) I can recommend is Ashkenazy (on Decca, also the Philharmonia).

@photon46, I wrote that the recording is 'somewhat crude', based on the original 'alle hersteller' vinyl pressing. That's not the same as 'poor', just not the most refined. I certainly didn't mean it as a disclaimer. These recordings have lots of dynamics, more than most DGG's (from any vintage). As said, the performances are unequalled.