Best table & arm combo for $10K

After many years of being away from vinyl I am jumping back in feet first. The number of wonderful choices is overwhelming. Comparing all these tables would be next to impossible. So I would appreciate any feedback from both good and bad experiences. I have set a budget of around $10,000 or less for the table and arm.

Considerations -in no particular order
Clearaudio Maximum Solution with Graham 2.2
VPI TNT HR-X with JMW 12.5
SME 10 with matching arm
SME 20 with IV.Vi arm
Basis 2500 (vacuum) with Graham 2.2
Basis Debut MKV (no vacuum) Graham 2.2
Teres 255 with Graham 2.2 –interesting DYI table
Sota Cosmos (vacuum) with Graham 2.2
Kuzma Stabi Reference with Graham 2.2
Schue Premier MKII 80 MM Platter with Graham 2.2


Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

I doubt that more than a few audiophiles, except maybe professional reviewers, has any first-hand, personal experience with more than 2 of these high-end turntable / tonearm combos. I have heard only two of them: the VPI TNT-V (although not the "Hot Rod" version) with JMW-12.5 arm, and the Basis Debut with Graham 2.2 arm. Unfortunately, this involved two different listening sessions that were months apart in separate systems, so there was no A-B comparison, and the long-term audio memory is not always reliable. Having said that, I think I preferred the VPI over the Basis, as the VPI had a slightly richer tonal balance to my ear.

Based on the equipment reviews I have read in various audio mags over the past 2 years, I think you would be well served by any of these four setups:
1. Clearaudio Maximum (terrific German engineering) with Graham 2.2 (some argue this is the best unipivot arm today);
2. VPI TNT ("Hot Rod" or regular "V" version) with the JMW 12.5 arm (Harry Weisfeld continues to build turntable systems that offer both high performance and high value);
3. Basis 2500 (there are advantages and disadvantages to vacuum hold-down which you need to consider) with Graham 2.2;
4. Kuzma Stabi Reference (an incredibly solid TT) with Graham 2.2 or other high-quality arm.

I have had no direct experience with SME turntables or arms, and will thus leave commentary on these fine units to others.