Best system for jazz?

My musical tastes have shifted and now I find I listen mostly to jazz with some classical, bluegrass and space music thrown in. I'm just curious what kind of systems provide the most enjoyment for you jazz fans?

Showing 3 responses by boa2

Please take the time to come up for a visit. It's only an hour's drive, and I think a listen might add to the enjoyment of your search.
Hope you can make it.

That's certainly where I was going with my response as well. Larry, if your life can make room for Klipsch La Scala's, I highly recommend them. I think they benefit from a good subwoofer, but the midrange is glorious. For jazz & classical, the presence of trumpets, sax, violins, piano (and certainly vocals) is spine-chilling. No question, it's all a matter of personal preference, but IMO the classic horn line is an island of paradise dismissed all too often by distant passersby. If nothing else, they're certainly worth a listen.
So Drew, you comin' up to Sac-o-Tomatoes?