Best symphony recordings

Two of my most favorite symphonies are Beethoven Symphony No. 5 and Dvorak symphony No. 9. However, the CD's I owned are not very good. I would like to ask for recommendations for their best recordings, including performance and sonic. Anybody experienced JVC's XRCD version?

Showing 1 response by madisonears

Critics and listeners in general have praised the Kleiber recording of LvB's 5 on DG. I found it almost unlistenable. Sonically, it sucks. Performance is frantic. I have Kurt Masur on Philips and believe it to be better proportioned, if that's the right word. It just sounds more like what an early romantic might have wanted to hear, and the 70's recording simply glows. Dvorak 9 is a lovely piece, especially as performed by Fritz Reiner on RCA. The XRCDII is probably even more beautiful, as these CD's are works of art in themselves. If only all CD's were produced with such care! You must also check out Dvorak symphonies 7 & 8. I suggest Mercury Living Presence, conducted by Antal Dorati. Performance is totally invigorating at times, heart breakingly tender at others.