Best Suited Preamp For A McIntosh MC2500??

Can any of you experts steer me in the right direction in my quest for a great Preamp for my setup?
I'm making changes....right now I'm running a pair of JBL 4343 studio monitors with a pair of Adcom GFA-565's & a GFP-750 preamp. Today I got me a McIntosh MC2500 by way of garage find! It was being run with a C32 Preamp & I got that as well but I'm wondering which preamp would be optimum for my application? Would the C32 be an improvement or step down from the GFP-750?
I'm still debating whether to split up the Adcom's or just start a new & improved listening room....or am I pushing my luck in the marital department? :)
This is my first McIntosh & I hear great things about them but have yet to hear my first...including this one. What can I expect? Will this pair be a noticeable improvement over my present system?
I hear recommendations of running tube preamps with the bigger solid state amps but which one??
Any advice would be much appreciated!

Showing 1 response by aball

Try both preamps and see what you think. There is no substitute for your own opinion. If you really want one that I find great, get a McIntosh C42. Enjoy your new McIntoshes!
