Best sub 4000 dollar standmount.

I'm in the market for a standmount with a big sound that can work in a samller room yet have a big enough sound for a larger one too. I have amps with plenty of power. A musical Fidelity KW550 and a Krell Kav 400xi also.

I'm particularly interested in The Usher 718be and how it compares specifically to the Sonus Faber Auditor M, Dynaudio Contour S1.4 and possibly the Proac D2.

Any opinions greatly appreciated.
hi , without question the revel gems, you can find them used for under 4,000 these days, I have a good friend that has them and they are still an amazing speaker !!! better than most speakers I have heard regardless of cost, good luck, chrissain
Those revel Gem 2's are very interesting. I've never seen or heard any in the flesh.

I also like the look of the Focal Utopia Diablo's but once again when I found the price I alomost keeled over. Gruesome!

SP. Never heard of those before. Very nice. Must be predominantly US only.

I'm also considering Thiel CS 2.4's but am a little worried about future space situations.

For now my only choices are the Dyn's, the Ushers, Auditor M's and The Krell Standmounts.
The SP Tech's are predominantly US as far as I know, they are definitely a boutique shop at the moment. I have a pair of the Timepiece Minis and they go easily down to 40hz and a bit lower in my smallish room, they LOVE power amps with lots of juice and they can place to concert levels without breaking a sweat. I can't recommend them enough, if you're interested there is someone on Audiocircle selling a pair for $1350, which is an awesome price on them considering their retail is about $2500.
Correction- the ad is up here on audiogon for the TP Minis. For the asking price I would be VERY surprised if speakers could be beaten by even $2500 monitors, or even more expensive ones. They are really something special