best sub- 1000 Transport, new or used

I am putting together my 'final' audio system for a long while, and am looking for some recommendations on the best sounding CD-only transport for the system.

The DAC/preamp will be an EAD Signature Theatermaster, the amplification EAD PM 1000, and the speakers are Hales Design Group Concept 3. I have an EAD Theatervision P DVD player, but I suspect the CD performance is not up to the performance of a CD-only transport.

Any thoughts on a well-built CD transport that will match this system well?


Showing 1 response by joe_b

For CD only, under 1k, suggest either a used Parasound CBT 2000 or the Aiwa CD changer mentioned above (get it modified by Stan Warren). I tried a bunch of transports before settling on the Parasound.
I subsequently bought the Aiwa for fun, had it modified, and it is awfully close in performance to the much more expensive Parasound. The Aiwa will only work with a toslink input.