Best streamer, don't want Roon, don't want a screen, A DAC is OK but not necessary

budget = $4000

To be clear, a built-in DAC is fine, but not a necessity


If you want a streamer without built-in DAC, there is the Lindemann Network II for about $1000USD. (You can add an USB drive if desired) The app is excellent as well.

There is also the Melco N100 with 5tb storage for $2500 - possibly the best sounding family of music servers. I use the JPlay app with the Melco.

Eversolo A8. You can turn the screen off if you don’t like it. DAC out if you don’t like the internal one (which is very good.) Integrates with every streaming source I’ve ever heard of and more. You can rip CDs to it, ARC hdmi to your T.V., network it, copy files to it, listen to podcasts and hundreds (maybe thousands) of high quality internet radio stations. I don’t know what else anyone would want. Needless to say I’m very happy with mine. The only thing that might bother people, but others will love, is the high quality R2R volume control which goes clickety click. The software interface for your iPhone or iPad is excellent.

I got a very slightly used Innuos zenith Mk 3 for $3500 here on Audiogon. I could not afford the $5500-7000 the new streamers I want were costing. It's really good. Innuos Sense software is really reliable so far. If you have a sensitive system that reveals when sources sound good or bad, don't cheap out of a streamer, especially if you have a decent DAC.  My previous one was the Ifi Zen stream in my revealing system and there were definite sound deficits. I had to go upscale. I agree with the Impulse or Auralic brand suggestions here. Get the highest level you can afford.  

Don’t know about the Mini, but the Femto Aries is great.  I’d say better than the Lumin U1 Mini, and I have both (in terms of sound quality).

Pretty sad that you already have a great streamer in the Auralic Altair G2.1, but it has no digital outputs. That sux. The Holo Audio May DAC has two I2S inputs. While the USB is obviously a good way to get digital data into it, I'm sure you might always be questioning if the sound quality might be a touch better using I2S, so I would look for a streamer in your price range that offers I2S output. You can use the presumably better clocking circuit inside the Holo May with either USB or I2S. Good luck.