Best SS Amp - Pass Labs X350.8 vs. Luxman M900u vs. Ayre VX-R Twenty

I’m in the market for a used SS Stereo amplifier for about $8k-10k range, in the used market.

Source: Oppo BDP-105
Speakers: Tyler Acoustics Linbrook System II with 89db & 8 ohm.

The next step would be to add a Tube Preamp to connect my Nakamichi RX-505 tape deck.

Out of the following, which one do you recommend & why? I would prefer feedback from anyone who has compared any of these combination of Amps.
  • Pass Labs X350.8
  • Luxman M900u
  • Ayre VX-R Twenty
  • Jeff Rowland 625 s2
Later on the plan is to build a HT system & will add Amp for surround & center.


Showing 4 responses by jjss49

any of the amps will drive the speakers just fine, and sound great doing so

my personal faves would be a pass or an ayre, you may also consider a hegel amp, although most of them are integrateds which you may not prefer

you did not talk about your room and setup - unless it is a very very large room, those amps will be overkill in terms of power needed, you could scale back substantially, save $ and invest it in the rest of the system, and/or getting the room to sound good

good luck

i think most folks responding have been trying to have some discipline and respond to the op on just his asking about the amps on his ’list’...

if we go beyond that, the floodgates can and will open with a zillion suggestions of what will work as well if not better for less $$
sorry guys...  you're right  :)

the librarian with nerdy glasses in me took over for a minute there

You think AYRE is easy to resell?? As somebody who owned multiple Ayre amps I can tell you that you are sadly mistaken if this is your belief. Any AYRE dealer will tell you the same thing. If ease of resale is high on your priority list I would advise to stay clear of any Ayre Products.

i would never discount others’ experiences, but in my own, i would say ayre gear is no easier or harder to sell than any other reasonably expensive, well reputed, well serviced brand of electronics (audio research, cj, and so on) - always depends on condition and asking price and the quality of the ad placed so interested buyers bite

this based on my own experience selling the following ayre pieces in the past -- codex, px5se, k5 mp, ax7e, v5

granted the 20 series has gotten much more expensive than prior gear, but i think the ’difficulty’ of moving gear approaching 5 figures is more a function of the narrowed market at this price level, rather than anything about ayre

my 2 cents