Best speakers in 2k-3k price point

Looking for speakers in this price range that would match up with Rogue Audio 99 preamp and 120 monoblocks. I like all kinds of music. I tend to shy away from certain metal dome tweets. I don't like a soundstage that is in your face. I like the music to sound good at low levels to moderately high. Monitors or fullrange would be considered. I use a Sony SCD-777es for my source. Thanks to all of you for your help. Ginny.

Showing 1 response by grandpad

Try to audition the Spendor SP1/2s. Accurate but but very natural sounding. Non-fatiguing and great with all types of music, particulary vocals, although perhaps not a head-bangers favorite. Hold their dynamics at low listening levels. High quality cabinetry. I've used them with the Rogue monos and it's a great match.