Best speakers for near rear wall placement?

A friend of mine is almost finished with a major remodel. The contractor says his ESS AMT-3 speakers must go!

He asked my advice on what would be a good choice for some smallish (not too tall or wide) speakers that would sound good very close to the rear wall.

Any ideas?

I second the silent speakers that Burhoe designed, especially intended for placement at the front wall. By the way, if you call the wall in front of you the "rear wall" what do you call the one behind you? :>)
Most Naim speakers are designed to be placed right against the wall, but expect a «flat wall» soundstage...
I can second Hoggshead's recommendation - I have the Kitty Kat Revelator monitor, specifically designed for near-wall applications. Amazing speakers "in-my-system" fronted with Wadia CDP and Plinius amplification.