Best speakers for max. $3000?

  I would like to upgrade to some new speakers and I might have a maximum of $3000 to spend if all goes well.
I don't care if they are new or used but my real world experience is limited so I am asking the experts!   I know it is subjective.
  I have Mirage OM-7s now with a HSU sub.  My amp is a Bryston 100B SST.  
Also, I have a chance to buy a set of Thiel CS 2.4s. I plan to try them.   Thanks for any advice!
Curious to know why good used is not being discussed? It is no secret I am a Klipsch fan and the reason is because there is a lot of great stuff on the used market even though they don't last long. Chorus I's and II's would work for that room size and fill it up if you wish and play any genre and if you can find them go for $900 to $1,400. Nice thing is if you decide to move on to something bigger and better like KHorns which can be found for $2,500 you get all your money back out. CF4's can be found on rare occasions and they are awesome and the last set around here went for $1,800. KLF 30's are another popular one with a great sound and run from $700 to well over $1,000. All this new stuff people mention will take  big hit if you decide in time they are not for you. The forums for all other brands is dwarfed by the Klipsch forum where you can find out anything you need for tinkering with your Klipsch speakers. Your $3,000 wont go far on new but it sure will in used.
Another plug for Spatials. In the $3k range I've had Triangle, Acoustic Zen, Reference 3A, Maggie, and Totems and the Spatial M3 Turbos I have now simply play and present better than all of the rest.
Ascend Acoustics’ Sierra Tower with RAAL option.
Fight me.

That is if you are looking for a speaker that is accurate, easy to power, high-ish sensitivity, excellent imaging, placement forgiving, comes in 5 colors + custom finish jobs, and has 7 years parts/labor.
I have a pair of Amphion Argon 3S speakers that I'm pleased with -- nice sound, nice looks, nice size, nice build quality.  Small production built in Finland.  $2690 a pair.