Best speakers for max. $3000?

  I would like to upgrade to some new speakers and I might have a maximum of $3000 to spend if all goes well.
I don't care if they are new or used but my real world experience is limited so I am asking the experts!   I know it is subjective.
  I have Mirage OM-7s now with a HSU sub.  My amp is a Bryston 100B SST.  
Also, I have a chance to buy a set of Thiel CS 2.4s. I plan to try them.   Thanks for any advice!

Showing 1 response by jazzdc

Find some used Aerial 5 or 5b speakers. Mount on Sound Anchor stands specifically manufactured for this speaker. The stand is as important as the speaker. Think of the stand as part of the speaker. It is. Buy new from the manufacturer to ensure you get the correct stand

You might be able to swing this for 15-1800.00 us

Good luck. You will need it