Best speakers for max. $3000?

  I would like to upgrade to some new speakers and I might have a maximum of $3000 to spend if all goes well.
I don't care if they are new or used but my real world experience is limited so I am asking the experts!   I know it is subjective.
  I have Mirage OM-7s now with a HSU sub.  My amp is a Bryston 100B SST.  
Also, I have a chance to buy a set of Thiel CS 2.4s. I plan to try them.   Thanks for any advice!

Showing 3 responses by cd318

From what I’ve read about them nothing new at $3k is going to be much of an upgrade.

Here’s an apparently level headed review from Doug Schneider:

So you’re best looking at used, and even then there’s nothing obvious to report. At this point real full bandwidth upgrades start getting costly. Harbeth M40s, big Tannoys or DeVore models, Wilson’s, and yes the Thiel 2.4s may also be an upgrade if this review is anything to go by.

It looks like you’ve done your homework. Hopefully you can pick them at a good price after arranging for a home demo first.

@russbutton, yes, with a little skill and patience and plenty of time, it’s difficult to beat the DIY route for value for money. Those Linkwitz designs are giant killers no doubt.

The LX521 is the end result of a fantastic amount of R&D, and close to the SOTA but beyond my current capabilities. But who knows, one day?

Buying used or direct are still far better value than buying new although a lot will depend upon resale values. Of course you might never want to sell your speakers but it’s still reassuring to know that you can recoup most of the cost anytime you want to. 

@russbutton, thanks for the info on the LX521. Much appreciated.

No it’s not the best looking loudspeaker in the world but some finishes are more palatable than others. If one turns up in cherry (or any other light finish) here in the UK I’m definitely interested. 

Siegfried Linkwitz was nothing if not methodical and relentless in his efforts to continually perfect his designs with admirable attention to detail.