Best Speakers For Electronica Music

Hello all,

I have purchased Totem Arros second hand and I really like them a lot, however, when I spoke with an authorized Totem dealer and told him the music I like, he recommended I get a subwoofer or I run the risk of blowing the Arros. He told me the Arros are more for vocals, jazz, and classical. I like music like The Chemical Brothers, Tycho, Radiohead Kid A, and I like some harder rock at times like Jack White.

My system is a Logitech Touch, Peachtree Audio iDecco (for sale now) as a preamp, running to a Parasound Zamp V.3, with 60 wpc into the 4 ohms.

I like the speakers a lot, but I do not want to get a subwoofer, so is there a brand that is known for being more stoutly built, but still very detailed and with tight bass that people can recommend? I do not like the sound of Cerwin Vega, and I have heard other similar forums where they are recommended, and I do not like Klipsch. Other than that, I am open to suggestions. As a last constraint, I am on somewhat of a budget as you can tell from my system.

Thank you all in advance.

Showing 1 response by zephyr24069

Legacy (FocusSE, AERIS, V), PBN Montana (various) and others in the line and quite a few other speakers will fit this need nicely. The Legacy's I've owned go down solidly to 16Hz and stand the test for Taiko drumming, pipe organ, rock, prog-rock, electronica and alot of other music. For electronica there is a good amount of signal info below 16-18Hz so you MAY want to get a subwoofer to round out your experience. Check out the various threads where people are asking for speaker recommendations for speakers that do Rock and Hard Rock well and you'll get a lot more speakers added to the list of candidates....