Best speakers for Classical music under 10k used

I currently have an upgraded pair of Thiel 2.3's that I have been happy with but am now ready to upgrade. I plan on listening to the Thiel 7.2 and the Wilson Sophias. I was wondering what others I should seach out? For 'classical' music only - big orchestra to solo instrument

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Depending on your room size and other components involved in your system, you should check out eletrostats and planars for your listening purposes. If you will be doing most of your listening from a seated position in a small to medium sized room the Quads would be a great choice.
If you want something with more adjustability, check out some of the Wisdom Audio speakers. I ran the M-50's for a few years and totally enjoyed the classical recordings (CD and DVD-A) that I have. The soundstage(width and depth)and the detail blew away my Dad who is an avid classical music listener and loves the "live" performances at the Hollywood Bowl. These speakers do need to be bi-amped but will allow for room abnormalites with the "active brain". I recently upgraded my speakers to the Rush and the clarity as well as the bass is unbelievable!
Good luck in your quest!