Best speakers for about $2000 a pair

I was looking at the Magnepan 1.7's but not real thrilled about some quality issues I hear about Maggies. So, what others should I be lookoing at. I tried out some Klipch WF-35 and they are just to bright and not much for soundstage. I can drive just about anything.
If your room is not larger than 1600 cubic feet, I would recommend trying Ohm Walsh 1000s. They are not too bright (if anything, maybe a tad rolled off up top) based on my experience with the similar Ohm Walsh 2000. They come with a 4-month home trial, so you only lose the shipping if they don't float your boat. Ohm also provides excellent customer service, IME.
If you can drive the maggies, then I'd do Snell Type AIII or AIII-i's...if you have the choice, then the AIII. You'll have money left over and wonderful sound to boot. You may need to have the woofers re-foamed, but this is do-able without much trouble.
Exactly Donjr, every now and then a post comes up that makes you go hmmmm?! Especially when there is a negative comment about a product. Makes you question the veracity of the OP.