Best speakers for 15X14 ft room

I am seeking advise/recommendations from the collective knowlege base on speakers for a 15X14 listening room. I'm moving and can't use my large rear ported speakers in such a small area. The new speakers will need to be say a foot off the back wall. Sealed enclosure better? Front ported better? Mini monitor better? I'm not looking to spend $30K on a set of sealed Magicos but Sphile A/B level is good.

Thanks ahead of time to all who respond

Showing 1 response by tbg

Prp2k, I have a 10 x13 foot room in the Summer. I have a pair of LSA1 Statements that I am going to use there. I have heard them in a small room and was shocked with their sound. I would really suggest that you also look into these relatively inexpensive speakers.