Im curious what you guys recommend for speakers at a reasonable price. floor standing and center.      cheaper kef, svs, klipsch, what?         i was looking at them three     not looking to spend a ton but dont want to go super cheap.     can someone give me some recomendations for midddle priced speakers.  dont want to spend over 2500 for 2 floor standing id say       let me know your thoughts please.        going to use a svs subwoofer and FOR NOW onkyo tx-nr809 receiver      HELP PLEASE       THANK YOU 

Showing 4 responses by wc1

I have owned Maggie 0.7s, Revel F30s in my primary system and KEF and Elacs in my secondary system. Currently running Devore 9s in my primary driven by a LM tube amp. The lesson I have learned is that efficiency is the key to the “at a reasonable price” part of the equation. Going efficient will give you a lot of flex w the amp that will save you $. 
Ie - the recs here for maggies or your consideration of Kef Q series are both off base given your amp in my limited experience. I have owned both and i didnt think either sounded satisfying unless paired w something orders of magnitude above what you are using for amplification. I have never owned tektons but suspect they may be something for you to seriously consider. Same with dirty weekends. Both are speakers i would argue cross over between life style and audiophile and are supposed to be forgivingly easy to drive. If on the other hand you buy something simply off the reviews and ignore db rating, you may end up trapped into having to upgrade you amp. Most hifi speakers are analogous to a magnifying lens. The more expensive, the greater the magnification. Receiver generally dont “look” good at high levels of magnification and dont have power to make low db rated speakers shine
+ The Maggies are cheap, but their power amp requirements raises the cost of ownership.
I like the idea of active speakers as they will sidestep the issue of amplifier adequacy. While I believe most actives are class D, my understanding is since they are voiced with the specific speaker in mind you get more positives out of that synergy than you give up in the arguably inherent weaknesses of class D. LS50s also come in active configuration with direct streaming and DAC built in. Not listened to them myself but heard good things.