Best Speaker wire with Rogue Audio amp and preamp for $2K or less?

I am hoping to get suggestions for speaker wire... My system consists of Silverline Sonata II speakers, Rega RP-6 TT, Rogue Audio RP-7 tube preamp, and Rogue Audio Classic 100 tube amp.   Absolute Sound recommended Siltech Speaker wire with the Silverlines, but it is too expensive.  Any recommendations would be appreciated.  
Right now I am using 16 Ga in-wall cable, so just about anything will be an improvement!
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Showing 3 responses by hammy

"What sound characteristics are you looking for?"

That is a really good question.  It is THE question.  I want a warm midrange.  I don't want a bright treble.  The Rogue Audio equipment is revealing but not overly warm, especially for tubes.  I have read that Analysis Plus may be too bright in the treble for my tastes, although the copper may be better than the silver in that regard.  
Sorry, it's a ST-100.  It's only a few years whatever the 100 watt tube amp is.  (It's really a 60 watt amp in the mode I have it set to, but the Silverlines are efficient.)
I will try out some used cables, and see what makes the system happy!  Thanks to everyone who has given me suggestions.  It will be interesting to hear the differences.