Replace your fridge with two small dormitory models 18-24" tall. Use some quality spikes to spkie them to the floor. I would then get a few pouds of blu-tak to isolate them form the speakers. You now have a symetrical setup and have plenty of vertical room to set up your speakers. You could still use your Gershmans, but I would recommend using a large sattelite subwoofer system. This would be aesthetically more appealing and having the subwoofer off in a corner would keep the bass off the fridge and hopefully save your eggs from the threat of getting scrambled.
I would reccomend a beautiful pair of Sonus Faber Concertina monitors, a beatiful Walnut and leather clad Italian beauty that would not embarrass any fine kitchen appliance. To add some serious bass to this I would tuck a REL subwoofer of in a corner.
I know this is a lot to consider but it truly is the only way to meld the sonic performance you are looking for (Imaging, soundstage and detail) with a major kitchen appliance. The fridge being the obvious choice and I applaud you for it the oven would prove an obvious hazzard and the dishwasher is just plain to noisy. I would recommend auditioning a few different fridges and seeing which on best compliments your speaker of coice. I would strongly recommend carpeting the front door of the fridge to cut back on any unwanted time smearing reflections.
Bon Appetite