Best speaker/system piano concerts


I enjoy many type of music but am a big fan of piano concerts. I’ve been to Hifi shows before but often find the music that they are playing not to my taste. 

Does anyone have recommendations for a speaker and amplifier that would be great to reproduce big piano plays realistically? I don’t think it’s easy for a system to have the speed and weight that the piano produces.

Would say speakers that are around 20-25k second hand and amps of 10-15k used

Looking forward to your suggestions.


Showing 1 response by browndt

I have B and W 802 D3s. They are superb with piano music of all kinds.
Many people consider the B and W 800 series the best transducers 
for piano music on the market. The sound on mine is very hard to distinguish from the real think and I have a steinway for comparison.