Best Speaker cables on the cheap?

Aloha everyone, I am going to be upgrading my speaker cables from 12 gauge monster to something better. I dont have very much money to spend, maybe 50-75 dollars and i need at least a 10' pair. So far i think Kimber Kable 4PR seems to be my best buy, although Audioquest type 4 also was well rated, a friend of mine had them and for him they lacked bass, which i dont want. And i would like something terminated with all bannanas or half spades,half bannanas. But i can terminate them myself to save a buck. No, i dont really want to buy used either. Thank you.

Heres my system.

NAD C-370 amp
JBL ND310 speakers
Cambridge Audio D300 cdp
Clarity Wires "foxfire" Silver IC's
Clarity Wires "emberglow" Jumpers
Haoleb: Here's a suggestion you probably won't want to follow, but I'll throw it out anyway: Why not keep your Monster cables, and just fiddle with your tone controls a little? You can spend an awful lot of time searching for the cable that gives you the amount of bass you want, when there's a knob on your amp for just that purpose. (Then you can spend your money on green pens or something!)
I already have enough bass with my monster cables, im sure theres nothing thats going to really make it lack bass. I think i might be getting some Clarity Wires "emberglow" speaker cables. But i will look around. Im looking for more detail and a smoother presentation than my monster cables. Then im done upgrading for a while! yay Thanks for all the responses also. What do you think of AQ F14? it was reccomended by stereophile. Just a thought
Try the TDK Super Audio Cable. I cannot hear the difference between it and Audio Magic Spellcaster II. It is $3-3.50 a foot.
PS- I wouldn't hesitate buying used from someone with a good reputaion here. I sold my IXOS at a bargain and they were as good as new. I also am not trying to sell you anything now. This is my hobby, not business.