Best source of lead shot?

Where do you think I can buy some lead shot to fill mys stands? How much can I expect to pay per pound?

Showing 1 response by whatjd

Listen to Rhard...lead shot is a problem looking for a place to happen.

The lead-based-paint thing is no accident. Federal law requires any home that was built prior to 1978 have a Lead Based Paint Disclosure available to any potential buyer(along with other notices and/or disclosures that may vary by state) when it is placed on/in the market. There is even a 10k fine if the seller/broker doesn't do this. ...

Lead shot may not be as known a concern as lead based paint is..but why take the risk?

Why?.., lead paint is a serious health concern for young childern.

Sorry, but this is not subtle...look it up on the "net".