Best Soundtracks

Sound quality has to be taken into consideration, sadly there are some great soundtracks that were recorded like crap. But others include

Million Dollar Hotel (U2)
Vanilla Sky

Showing 2 responses by jax2

Aida (Madredeus)
Before the Rain (Balkan/Macedonian music)

All three are great films as well!

(see also other threads in the archives for more)

Slipknot1, I think you and I were separated at birth. We have had many
similar tastes over the years. Did you ever try that monkey on the whale
Zinfandel I recommended a ways back?

Oh, and I mispelled the Madredeus soundtrack. It should be
"Ainda"! The soundtrack is to the film, "The Lisbon
Story" by Wim Wenders. I also loved his soundtrack to
"Wings of Desire" (my first introduction to Nick Cave), which
also is my all-time favorite film!
