Best sounding turntable and cartridge for $1100

I have seen a lot of turntable and cartridges packages in  $1000- $1100, such as the Project RPM3 with the Sumiko BP-2 MC.   Project Xperience 1 with a Sumiko Pearl MM;  Rega Planar 3 with a Elys II cartridge. 

 I have formerly owned a Rega 3-24 with Elys II  and a Project Carbon DC with Ortofon 2M Red (which I did not like at all) . Would like to try something different, but can live with the above brands depending on their overall performance 

Need recommendations for turntable/cartridge new or used combo that punches far above its price of  $1100.  Thank you


In my world, lower output is a good thing, fewer windings equal
less mass and more transparency.....

If my only option was HO, I would abandon MC altogether and go
with Soundsmith MI or an Ortofon MM like the 2M Red or Bronze, but
the quintet is lower in cost.....

My solution with my current cartridge which is .1MV is a Hashimoto HM7 stepup transformer, run into my phono pre @ 47k which is giving me the most transparent and organic analog I've ever heard......but I'm sure there are phono pres out there that will handle .3MV just fine....


Though the Roundtable might be a good value at $300, I highly doubt it will perform as well as most tables in the $1k range. 

Since you seem to be looking for new instead of used, I highly recommend trying a Pioneer PLX1000 if you don't have an aversion to direct drives.

You might be able to find a NOS VPI Traveler for close to $1100 or you might also consider a VPI Player. 

If you currently own the Rega why not do some mods via ipturntables. New feet braces sub platter and motor isolation. Around $400. You will be happy.
You may want to check out the Merrill Gem Dandy with the Jelco 750. Put's you a tad out of your $ range, but..... Another thought for less money, would be the WAX Engine table. I've only heard the Wax, and was impressed. I know you're done with vintage, but the Thorens TD145 you had, I believe is the auto-return version of the 160. In that model, you had no other arm options. I would love to hear a Jelco 750 on a TD160 or 160S. Sunnyjim- regarding your thoughts in your initial post: You say you can live with the brands you once had. I don't know either well enough to pass judgment, but I would aim for something beyond which you can live with. Admittedly, I also have a reluctance to dive in to a vintage table. If I do, it will likely be the 160/160S.... I did it with Altec Valencia's 846A's, and have NO regrets, but that's a story for another thread. Cheers, and best of luck!