Best sounding SACD's to show-off system

I like to show-off my Wilson Audio W/P6s and Krell 350mcx to friends and try to get them to understand the rush of high-end audio, and I have to some degree, but what SACD's out there that are recorded best! Something that will really make them melt with goose-bumps. Thanks!!

Showing 4 responses by trelja

Mingus - Mingus Ah Um

I find this disc really shows off why SACD is superior CD
@trelja "Mingus - Mingus Ah Um"

OK, after close to 15 years and hosting many folks, both audiophiles and non, I’m changing my entry to Getz / Gilberto. After listening, many a non-audiophile then spent months asking me things like, "Uh, what was that thing you played called, an SACD?" and "How come it never took off?"
@jafant "treljathe SACD may not have reached the masses? Much depended upon location(s). Best Buy, in my area, always had a pretty good selection over several genres of music. Circuit City (remember this chain store?) dabbled in SACD, again, in my area."

You're exactly right.  Most likely, I bought most of my SACDs from Best Buy.  And at decent price.  We also had Circuit City also in my area, but I don't think I ever bought an SACD there.

What I mean about SACD not reaching the masses is that virtually none who actually (most likely, unwittingly) bought a hybrid got to actually hear the SACD layer, as they lacked the hardware that allowed it.  SACD not taking off drove me back to vinyl. I have a ton of CDs, but CD just cannot provide me with the same moving experience.

My best friend is a serious musician, got signed to a record deal by the Maloof brothers, and has a bit of interest from afar in high-end audio.  He'd never heard of SACD, and when I talked with him about it, the conversation normally went nowhere.  Once, we got into a little more, and he asked me how many bits SACD used.  The look on his face when I told him 1 bit was of utter scorn.  However, several months later, within 3 seconds of listening to the opening track of Getz / Gilberto SACD, the more than ubiquitous Girl From Ipanema, I literally saw his eyes pushing out and his jaw hanging