Best sounding Krell ?

Let's say I had $4k for a power amp. and was looking at used Krell power amps. Which Krell would you consider the best sounding of all the different models in the last 10 years? Of course this is all subjective but based on midrange, bass and all the other attributes we audiophools crave.

Showing 27 responses by dave_b

The 400cx is a classic and want's for nothing! If you desire the krell sound and do not need the absolute grunt of the 400cx you might be wise to get a 400xi...all the hallmarks of the bigger cx amps are present plus an excellent preamp stage as well!
Lihifi, I've owned all of the above Krell gear and then some....the 400xi is exceptional sounding as long as you pair it with the right speakers. For demanding speakers, the higher power is necessary. I'm not sure anyone else has ever heard a 400xi used with a Transparent MM PC, MIT Oracle V2.2 IC's and spkr interfaces, HiFi tuning fuses, Mapleshade triplepoint footers & maple stand and the top casework off however! My krell res2 speakers have special crossovers that work with the amp by storing energy for each of the drivers so it is available as needed. My MIT interfaces also use the same principle, so the net effect is sonic purity (simplest signal path is best) with the sound of a much larger amp. Some reviewers have noted that the 400xi is actually more delicate and pure sounding in the upper registers. Overall, I like the FPB sound over the Evo rig I had. The new amps are overly complicated, have power filtration on board, are not Class A and react poorly with after market PC's. Parts quality is now off the shelf as more custom Motorola QC'd discrete output devices.
In a properly set up system the 400xi is a giant killer...period! Not with the stock PC or average cables or a mismatched front end, but with the SACD standard V3 and the tweaks I mentioned, it is far more engaging than almost anything alse I've owned. The 400xi is essentially the purest version of Danny Boys best efforts...simplify my friend and it will set you free. Component matching, room acoustics and extensive set up are required for best results, regardless of the gear! What I'm saying is that if you want a simple and purely musical sound without the added dollars and headaches involved with making various seperates work with each other, get the 400xi and build something wonderfull. Other than that, get a used KCT and a don't get any better in krell land!
I would consult with Krell's technical division if you are seriously thinking about this idea. The Krell amps are push/pull - (neg/pos)...sending one channel to half of a speaker and the other channel to the other half would make no sense and be playing two different signals i.e..woofers playing right ch. info and mrtw's playing left ch. information! Makes no sense...maybe one amp for the bass/L/R and another for the mrtw sections L/R, but a 400cx will drive just about anything out there. Remember, Krell amps sound their best when being driven hard..even Jonathan Valin from absolute sound noticed this when reviewing the Krell KCT and 750mcx's.
Audiofeil is right. In fact, I believe the original Victrola captured the essence of the original performance best, no matter what the musical genre! Ah, the good old days:)
Choices ARE more than ever, but that snould not detract from another compamies offerings. Krell has been a major force in the industry and has offered High End performance to many audiophiles over the years. I get the feeling that most major brands are looked down upon by Audiofeil. I really don't understand why he feels so special about himself and his views. There are many seasoned audiophiles and reviewers who would disagree strongly with many of his statements. Can we not all just like what we like and "chearlead" for what we enjoy and just get along? Just IMAGINE bashing commentary from a man who obviously holds John Lennon dear...think of all us Audiogoners, living in peace as one! Now let's hold hands:)
Audiofeil, I have owned some of the other companies products you have mentioned and enjoyed them. I don't just like krell, but I do respect alot of their work...plain and simple. I did not attack you, I was reaching out to suggest that we all like what we like, so live and let buy!! I gathered you were a Lennon fan and it seemed strange to me that someone who regards him enough to use an imagine memorial logo on his website would be such a thick headed ..well you get the idea. You have now chosen to make it personal with the condescending remarks and blanket statements about the industry. You run an alternative shop to some extent, and I wish you luck. I think you sell some interesting gear and would possibly be interested in buying something from you at some future time. My problem is with your arrogance. Let people champion their own gear and you champion yours. Don't give us the George Carlin "THE MAN" is running things speech, trying to paint the entire industry as working in concert to mislead the people. Talk about conspiracy nuts!! I'm sorry, but Jonathan Valin and Robert Harley are worthy of genuine respect, as are many others who would disagree with your view on the High End.
Anyway, I was just listening to one of my Ondine SACD recordings of the Philadelphia Symphony on my "Desoto" aka 400xi. I was in the audience for some of these recording sessionans and man O man does my Krell and MIT system sound like the Kimmel center:) Tommorrow I will try an MIT Oracle AC2 PC on my 400xi ($3995)...yeah, you may say I'm a dreamer...but I'm not the only one! Or am I???
To be honest Audiofeil, I respect you and your opinion. I just don't think you give any quarter to those who dissent from your views. As you have said to many of us, read the threads...I'm the only one grasping for common ground here. All of this comes down to allowing people the latitude to make and have their own opinions. You are not the hub of the audio wheel, but merely a very loud bump in the road. My olive branch has fallen to the ground, and with it any hope of ever peeling back that irritating elitist wall you have worked on for so long. Good luck and good night.
Very poetic Shadorne, even if it is a useless metaphor. Anyway, I have a major update to report...I am listening to my all Krell system with my new MIT Oracle AC2 power cord. I was in the audience for the Ondine SACD recording of Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra, performed live by the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra at the Kimmel center. All I can say is that with the new PC on my 400xi, I am 5th row center again...absolutely jaw dropping, goosebump makin' sound. MIT cables are so vastly superior to anything I've ever experienced that it is imperitive that any audiophile in pursuit of the dream acoustic should demo a full set as soon as possible:) You decide...I trust your response will be likewise.
The KAV series is extremely deserving when utilized properly. I am getting some of the best sound I've ever had from my 400xi and SACD std V3 and I've even owned the Evo kit! The problem is that entry level components are rarely cabled properly or given appropriate PC's. I'd put the krell 400xi up against just about anything out there. I love the little bastard.
I have to say that I am still realing at the difference my new MIT AC2 power cord has made in my is just miraculous!!!
Audiogabby, I have been around the block with audio gear for about 30 years now. I have owned the likes of Krell evo, Levinson, ARC, BAT, CJ, Wadia, Wilson, Dynaudio, Macintosh, etc...well, you get the point (6 figure reference gear). My recent system was assembled from one of my local dealers with the intent to be a stop gap between mega systems..until I decided which direction to embark upon. Well, after tweaking and dialing everything in and the fact that I already had MIT Oracle cables, it sounded pretty darn involving. In fact, it sounded damn good...clean, pure, dynamic and very alive with lots of color. I had been using other great power cords with what I thought was superb results, but when I put the Oracle AC 2 in place I was in disbelief at what I was hearing! Noise floor is low that all of the subtle
information and acoustic ques that we hear in the hall were rendered vividly and so easily that it was startling. Dynamic gradations and contrasts are so realistic that the soundstage comes alive and breathes with a tonal rightness and such a lack of distortion that it will shock you!! Frequency extension of the music is so far out in both extremes and with such purity and control that nothing describes it better than to say it sounds live and unadulterated. Transparency is crystalline, effortlessly rendered and has a see thru quality that takes you out of the hall and into the street (never new so many recordings had road noise bleeding into their recordings). Dimensionality, ambience, decay, layering, instrument voicing and above all else EMOTION is in such bold relief that to not at have it in your system after having heard what it can do would cause panic and withdrawel symptoms on the level of a heroine addict in need of a fix!!! If music is as necessary to you as it is for me...a refuge from the everyday, a transporter to other realms, a bastion of things miraculous and meaningfull, then it will get you closer than ever to that end...your own personal Holy Grail.
The Evolution One amps are amazing, however the Evo 402 was not due to removal of class A pre driver stage, doubling of the parts content to deal with the notch distortion and the introduction of Krell's own version of power filtration...results were considerably less than expected.
Harm Tech makes a great cable line, in fact I was sent some of their original designs upon startup for demo and to assist distributership. My favorite was the Truth Link IC...not the most expensive but I thought it was tremendously open, natural and dynamic!
Part of me wishes I would have spent more time working with my evo hear before I digarded it (mostly for financial reasons truth be told). My slight gripe with the evo setup I had was perhaps the 202 preamp which seemed constricted dynamicaly...I've heard the 222 since and think it's more musical and dynamic (you definately did the right thing in going with the one box player). I do find that Dan's designs get the music more right overall rhan any my ears anyway. Enjoy what you have's a precious gift!!
Congrat's Stevecham on giving the 400xi a well deserved upgraded PC. As I've said before, most people are unaware of just how good the smallest krell is when used properly! Enjoy the music.
Lush,, try an MIT Magnum or higher PC and let me know what you think. I have an unused Transparent MM PC that you could have for a steal if you're interested (list $2000...sell it for $650). Interesting to note that other cable manufacturers are now getting on board the MIT train and putting networks on their PC's...Harm Tech, Purist etc..
Do it Lush...I just love my 400xi with the Transparent MM on it. I've heard great things about the Sim 7 etc...good luck and happy listening. By the way I found a use for my other cable.
Hooked up a HiFi-tuning plug today and I was amazed at how much more analog like my system sounded. Truly an amazing piece of technology...IMPROVEMENTS ACROSS THE BOARD!! Smoother less strident treble with more complexity, enhanced dimensionality, more natural sounding midrange and better defined bass with an overall enhanced acoustic space. Reminds me of LP sound minus the flaws.
The FPB 600 is one of THEE finest amps ever made...I owned one once and wish I had it back today! I remember demo'ing the 600 before I bought it against an ARC VT200 on wilson watt/puppy 6's (which I also purchased) and it sounded identical except for it's unlimited dynamic range and bass control. Keep will miss it when it's gone.
To each his own is exactly the edict by which one should approach these discussions indeed. It would also help if we left our bias at the E-door (we all fail at this). Funny, how most of the products I mention in my discussions have had great success and staying power in the high end market place, with many devout users and a tremendous used market significance. Also interesting is the audio Du Jour, which sets the world on fire and then quietly fades away into oblivion. I predict that as the new generation of would be audiophiles enter the market (the convenience generation), alternative technologies will be adopted more and more, with diminishing quality (driven by cost cutting measures). Great gear has staying power long after the fads die...I look for quality, value and longevity in a brand that delivers an exemplary product amidst a sea of alternative overhyped, overmarketed audio Frankenstein Monsters:) Of course some people like pretty sounding alternative gear that makes everything sound like what they imagine real music sounds like!
I wish you great success with the MX-R's, I have heard them and they sound very similiar to the FPB600. Perhaps your system synergy will be positive:)