Best sounding compact integrated amp < $2k?

I am putting together a 2nd system that will be used in my living room.  Music source will primarily be Tidal.  Haven't finalized my speaker selection - but I may end up going with something from Dynaudio - perhaps the Excite X18 or the Special 40.  Streaming will be handled by one of the following: Bluesound Node 2, outboard DAC/streamer or DAC/streamer onboard the amp.

Need to figure out what integrated amp would work best.  A major constraint is that the enclosure that will house the amp has a maximum depth of 15 inches - so the amp itself will need to have a depth that is a couple of inches short of 15 (to leave room for rear cables/connections).  

I have tried the Naim Uniti Atom and it is certainly a potential solution (sounds great too), but I am hesitant to go with an all-in-one solution (a separate streamer allows me to upgrade that part of the system as technology progresses).   

The Peachtree Nova 150 is another option - but I have not yet had an opportunity to audition it.  

My budget for the amp is $2k, but I am willing to stretch the $$$ for an outstanding component :)  I am also open to picking up a pre-owned amp, though I would prefer to buy new. 

Suggestions will be *greatly* appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by larryl50

I have a Naim Uniti Atom right now - but I have owned and like Hegel products.  Can you tell me the appreciable differences - other than power output - between the H90 and H190?    I have read articles on both saying they each is excellent.   Is the H190 worth an extra $1200 for a small room amp using ?  Is the detail, separation, etc. that much better on the H190?     Thanks
I am using Legacy Studio - Studio HD Speakers on stands.
Thank you for your response.  Any thoughts on the H190 vs a Simaudio Moon Ace?