Best sounding CD player

I am interested in knowing what there think is the best sounding CD player . Some of my favorites are AMR cd-77, Cary 306sacd


let me know what your thoughts are including how the player sounds 


Showing 3 responses by facten

+1 grannyring’s assessment of the sound and functionality of the Neodio Origine S2 - have one now in my main system since August. Enjoyed the combo of my Mojo Audio Evo DAC & Simaudio 260DT transport , but the Neodio is at another level of SQ.

Sold the Mojo to recoup some cash, have the Sim 260DT in my 2nd system with Modwright Elysee DAC

@mbmi    You're not going to get $10K+ SQ with a $600 transport. Had a Cambridge CXC ,which is in the same playing field as the Audiolab , as the source for either a Mojo Audio EVO or a Modwright Elysee pretty decent sound. Switched to a SimAudio 260DT transport $2800 and a whole different level of SQ. Read the Forums on the Project &  Jay's Audio Transports - significant improvements in SQ delivered vs these lower entry transports.

@mbmi  - I was reacting to your comment that a $600 Audiolab transport coupled with a quality DAC will get you the equivalent of "+10K big boy" ; that hasn't been my  experience.  Folks understate the SQ impact of quality transports.  CEC is well known for the quality of its transports so I am not surprised by your listening experience. Enjoy!