Best sounding Beethoven symphony LPs

I would like to replace my late '80s Beethoven symphony CD's with a dynamic, great sounding boxed set of LPs. I prefer more of a front row than a fifteenth row perspective. Any suggestions?
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Showing 1 response by docw

For sound, the old ones aren't the standard. The rec's you have received are decidedly uncharacteristic.

No one on several boards I know say to avoid Szell's set, whether it's the 70 reissue, the Epic box, etc. All the performances are good. Every symphony.

I always disagree with Carlos Kleiber as best 5th. Just get the CD of both, cheap.

HVK 63 is very good as a set, although some dislike fast superficial 6th.

that's what I believe, after collecting symphony recordings for over 35 years now.