Best solid state pre-amp below US $ 10.000,00 ??

Any suggestions ?

Showing 8 responses by tbg

H-Cat P12B. This is the only solid state line stage that I can listen to. Fortunately, it is also better than any of the tube line stages that I have listened to.
Frankpiet, I guess you should expect such greatly divergent views given the broad nature of your request. I think that some of the units recommended here are second rate, at least in my system. What it really comes down to is great diversity of tastes, limited exposure to the variety of available products, and the need for personal confidence that you have bought the right unit. You will unfortunately have to try to listen to these yourself if you can. Life is hard!
Because he is ego invested in his designs. How many instances have you heard where you are told to directly plug into the wall or only use X cables, etc. He can always say, that this is the way he hears it. Certainly you can see in this thread that there is no consensus.
I had a friend who owned a Placette and thought it was good. Until he heard the H-Cat. The Placette is gone.

Like other passive units, the Placette has a purity to it. I do think the Topdog was a better sounding passive unit. For me, however, the lack of dynamics with passive units looses all the pace of music.
I know, I sound like a broken record, but those who have paid attention have repeatedly thanked me. I am soon going for a months vacation to Alaska. No H-Cats there.