Best Smaller Bookshelf Speakers For Use Exclusively With Ambient Music?

As the title says, these speakers will be used in a small room (10x12) exclusively for listening to ambient music. Think Eno, Will Ackerman, Sigur Ros, Ludovico Einaudi, Dead Can Dance, Enya, George Winston, etc. 

This is an important purchase as I listen to 2.5-3 hours of this music, six nights a week, to wind down from stressful work days. 

Thanks for any assistance with this. 


Showing 1 response by julie_priest

KEF LS50 is what we replaced with S3000 from cheapie chi-fi Edifier, and our mind is blown. We find ourselves gravitating to this hidden gem more than our much more expensive Accuphase / Dynaudio Contour setup in the living room upstairs.