Best Smaller Bookshelf Speakers For Use Exclusively With Ambient Music?

As the title says, these speakers will be used in a small room (10x12) exclusively for listening to ambient music. Think Eno, Will Ackerman, Sigur Ros, Ludovico Einaudi, Dead Can Dance, Enya, George Winston, etc. 

This is an important purchase as I listen to 2.5-3 hours of this music, six nights a week, to wind down from stressful work days. 

Thanks for any assistance with this. 


Showing 1 response by ddd1

I would recommend the Lirpa Labs Ambient 1.0.  Designed for ambient music and ambient music only.  Sounds like crap on everything else though.  Could be some deals out there...I don't think they're all that popular. 😉