well, I gotta tell you, forget the bookshelfs unless you absolutely are cramped. I have heard lots of bookshelfs, like the BW line of 602's etc. they cost around $400 used, but they sound pretty bad imho. A few years ago after my divorce, I had to downsize and was out in SEattle and lucked upon a set of Vandersteen 2ci's. They are FANTASTIC, only cost me $450.!! They have depth, sound stage, bass, remarkeably good midrange and highs. Their not that big either. you can probably run a shelf over the top of them and serve a dual purpose. A friend of mine also picked up a set of Paradigm monitor reference for less than $700 or a set of Mirage, all great yet inexpensive speakers, but again, not small bookshelf's. But if you HAVE TO, you might try a set of BW's, not bad, and their small, but not worth the price imho.