Best single-malt Scotch...

I have to give credit to Redwiki for the inspiration to start this thread. Yes, certain malts better compliment certain music or certain moods. Of the fifteen or so different malts in my cabinet right now, my favorites are: Aberlour "Antique", similar to the popular Macallan, but not as syrupy; a bit drier, light hearted and less complicated; great with Mozart and Brubeck. Mortlach "Limited Edition" cask strength. Powerful, smoky, mysterious. Great with Bartok, Berg and late 'Trane. Loch Morar 25 yr old. Incredibly complex and intense, with a hint of honey and flowers. Great with Poulenc, Stravinsky and Bill Evans. Any other single-malt aficionados out there?

Showing 2 responses by dekay

The Dalmore 12 and Balvenie Doublewood 12 (standard finish), both with a few drops of branch. Readily available, resonably priced and too thick for many Scotch lovers. I'm a Maker's Mark guy myself.
Massvm: That's because we haven't consumed any yet, give it some time. Steven: I have been off work for the past year and then some, but was selling it for $35 towards the end of 1999. When we first stocked it it was $30 at our regular discount price. I noticed a very wide fluctuation in its selling price at that time, the highest being around $50. I agree that $65 a bottle is not in the nightly guzzling range. LOL.