Best single-malt Scotch...

I have to give credit to Redwiki for the inspiration to start this thread. Yes, certain malts better compliment certain music or certain moods. Of the fifteen or so different malts in my cabinet right now, my favorites are: Aberlour "Antique", similar to the popular Macallan, but not as syrupy; a bit drier, light hearted and less complicated; great with Mozart and Brubeck. Mortlach "Limited Edition" cask strength. Powerful, smoky, mysterious. Great with Bartok, Berg and late 'Trane. Loch Morar 25 yr old. Incredibly complex and intense, with a hint of honey and flowers. Great with Poulenc, Stravinsky and Bill Evans. Any other single-malt aficionados out there?

Showing 2 responses by albertporter

At our music gatherings Scotch is the drink of choice, for me in particular. My most consumed includes Aberlour 10 and 15 year old, Balvenie Double Wood, Macallen 18, and (now discontinued) Glenfiddich Cask strength 15 year old. I love 25 year old Macallen and Springbank 18, but both are too expensive to keep on my bar. I sometimes favor Cognac, and still have one bottle of Jules Duret from 1986. I cannot bear to finish the last of it, as it cannot be replaced. My best friend loves Laphroig, I remind him the dog in little rascals was named "peaty" and that he too may develop a huge ring around one eye if he keeps swilling it down. He ignores me.
provided it doesn't go in the glass.

Redkiwi, a man after my own heart ! I don't add a drop of water even when it's Cask Strength Macallan

Cask Strength photo