Best Silver ICs under 300?

From all the posts I've seen it looks like all silver wiring is the way for me to go (EVo amp, tube pre-amp, Talon Audio Khites, etc...). I need a lot of wire and can't afford the high-end wires, so what's a reasonable man to do if he wants detailed, musically envolving sound? What's the best silver cable at real-world prices?

Showing 2 responses by kevperro

Why are you limiting yourself to silver? There are plenty of ways of getting down the road... don't narrow your view of what is good or has certain sonic characteristics based upon one design parameter.
Oh... if I was going to answer your actual question though I would guess the Homegrown. I don't own a pair but I've had their Super Silvers in my system with pleasing results. I'm going to order a pair of the Silver Laces to compare with some homebrew cables I've been building and testing....